

Negotiation, Judgment and Decision Making, Personality, Situations, Culture


28. Zhou, H., Wang, M., Yang, Y., & Majka, E. (2024). Face masks facilitate discrimination of genuine and fake smiles – But people believe the opposite. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 115, 104658.

27. Baranski, E., Gardiner, G., Shaman, N., Shagen, J., Lee, D., Funder, D., & Members of the International Situations Project. (2024). Personality and conceptions of religiosity across the world’s religions. Journal of Research in Personality, 110, 104496.

26. Stollberger, J., Shemla, M., De Cremer, D., Yang, Y., & Sanders, K. (2023). Does emotional restraint or exuberance get you the job? How and when enthusiasm intensity is related to perceived job suitability. Human Resource Management, 62, 141-158.

25. Gardiner, G., Lee, D. I., Baranski, E., Funder, D. C., & Members of the International Situations Project. (2023). The economic well-being of nations is associated with positive daily situational experiences. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 4, 100088.

24. Curhan, J. R., Overbeck, J. R., Cho, Y., Zhang, T., & Yang, Y. (2022). Silence is golden: Extended silence, deliberative mindset, and value creation in negotiation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107, 78–94.

23. Baranski, E., Gardiner, G., Lee, D., Funder, D. C., & Members of the International Situations Project. (2021). Who in the world is trying to change their personality traits? Volitional personality change among college students in six continents. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121, 1140-1156.

22. Haessevoets, T., De Cremer, D., De Schutter, L., McGuire, J., Yang, Y., Jian, X., & Van Hiel, A. (2021). Transparency and control in email communication: The more the supervisor is put in cc the less trust is felt. Journal of Business Ethics, 168, 733-753. [Harvard Business Review article]

21. Baranski, E., Sweeny, K., Gardiner, G., Members of the International Situations Project, & Funder, D. C. (2021). International optimism: Correlates and consequences of dispositional optimism across 61 countries. Journal of Personality, 89, 288-304.

20. Yang, Y. (2020). The culturally situated process of personality judgment. In J. F. Rauthmann, R. Sherman, & D. C. Funder (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Psychological Situations (pp. 490-501). New York: Oxford University Press. 

19. Tang, C., & Yang, Y. (2020). Goals. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. New York, NY: Springer. 

18. Gardiner, G., Lee, D., Baranski, E., Funder, D., & Members of the International Situations Project. (2020). Happiness around the world: A combined etic-emic approach across 63 countries. PLOS ONE, 15(12): e0242718.

17. Lee, D. I., Gardiner, G., Baranski, E., Members of the International Situations Project, & Funder, D. C. (2020). Situational experience around the world: A replication and extension in 62 countries. Journal of Personality, 88, 1091-1110.

16. Ma, A., Yang, Y., & Savani, K. (2019). “Take it or leave it!” A choice mindset leads to greater persistence and better outcomes in negotiations. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 153, 1-12. [Harvard Business Review article]

15. Gardiner, G., Guillaume, E., Stauner, N., … Yang, Y., & Funder, D. C. (2019). Assessing personality across 13 countries using the California Adult Q-set. International Journal of Personality Psychology, 5, 1-17.

14. Balasuriya, J., & Yang, Y. (2019). The role of personality traits in pension decisions: Findings and policy recommendations. Applied Economics, 51, 2901-2920.

13. Gardiner, G., Sauerberger, K., Members of the International Situations Project, & Funder, D. C. (2019). Towards meaningful comparisons of personality in large-scale cross-cultural studies. In A. Realo (Ed.), In praise of an inquisitive mind: A Festschrift in honor of Jüri Allik on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Tartu: University of Estonia Press.

12. Yang, Y., Tang, C., Qu, X., Wang, C., & Denson, T. F. (2018). Group facial width-to-height ratio predicts intergroup negotiation outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:214. 

11. Yang, Y., De Cremer, D., & Wang, C. (2017). How ethically would Americans and Chinese negotiate? The effect of intra-cultural versus inter-cultural negotiations. Journal of Business Ethics, 145, 659-670. [Financial Times article; Harvard Business Review article]

10. Baranski, E., Gardiner, G., Guillaume, E., … Yang, Y., & Funder, D. C. (2017). Comparisons of daily behavior across 21 countries. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8, 252-266.  

9. Guillaume, E., Baranski, E., Todd, E., … Yang, Y., & Funder, D. C. (2016). The world at 7:00: Comparing the experience of situations across 20 countries. Journal of Personality, 84, 493-509. 

8. Yang, Y., Read, S. J., Denson, T. F., Xu, Y., Zhang, J., & Pedersen, W. C. (2014). The key ingredients of personality traits: Situations, behaviors, and explanations. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40, 79-91. 

7. Read, S. J., Monroe, B. M., Brownstein, A. L., Yang, Y., Chopra, G., & Miller, L. C. (2010). A neural network model of the structure and dynamics of human personality. Psychological Review, 117, 61-92. 

6. Yang, Y., Read, S. J., & Miller, L. C. (2009). The concept of situations. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 3, 1018-1037. 

5. Zhang, J., Yang, Y., & Wang, H. (2009). Measuring subjective well-being: A comparison of China and the USA. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 12, 221-225. 

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2. Xu, Y., Farver, J. M., Yang, Y., & Zeng, Q. (2008). Chinese children’s conceptions of shyness: A prototype approach. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 54, 515-544. 

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